Tools and Resources

Advice, Cues, Drills, Techniques, Exercises, Equipment

Some helpful websites is a great resource to have on hand.  They simplify nutrition and supplementation — through meticulous analysis of the latest scientific research — to help you answer your questions on how to be healthier.   Click here to take a look  EXAMINE.COM 

Rumble rollers and beastie balls are good options for self treatment.  Here is a link to the rumble roller site to take a look at their range or order one for yourself.  RUMBLEROLLER.COM

Many people don't sleep well or don't get enough of it.  Sleepjunkies is a site dedicated to everything to do with sleep.  Take a look and sweet dreams! SLEEPJUNKIES.COM

The deadlift is a fundamental movement pattern.  This site goes into meticulous detail on the topic.  It's worth taking a look for some tips.  You don't have to be as dedicated as they are, unless you want to, its up to you.  STRONGLIFTS.COM

General Posture Cues

Sitting Posture
·Sit with your hips higher than your knees
   ·Even weight balance on the bones of your  bottom
   ·Chin in 
   ·Be tall through the top of your head

Standing Posture
·Feet parallel pointing forwards
   ·Soft knees
   ·Soften your lower rib cage. Let your diaphragm   sink down toward your naval.
   ·Chin in 
·Be tall through the top of your head

Basic Computer Work Desk Set Up

Sitting Posture
·Sit with your hips higher than your knees
   ·Even weight balance on the bones of your bottom
   ·Feet flat on the ground
   ·Chin in 
   ·Be tall through the top of your head

Workstation Set Up
·Sit as above 
   ·Computer monitor
      Directly in front of you 
      Top of the monitor at eye level
      Centre of the screen approximately 20 degrees below horizontal eye level 
   ·Key board
      Elbows by your side and bent approximately 90 degrees 
      Wrists neutral or very slightly flexed
The mouse hand should be neutral or very slightly flexed.  The starting mouse position should see your middle knuckle, wrist and elbow in line.
·Chair characteristics

Adjustable features – seat height, seat tilt, back rest tilt, backrest front to back distance, arm rest height
·Desk and Accessories
      Adjustable height desk is ideal so you can choose sitting or standing positions. 
   Adjustable height computer stand is an acceptable alternative

Monitor mounts allow you to adjust the height and tilt of your monitor independently
Soft resting wrist pads for the keyboard and mouse
      Larger size mouse or ergonomic mouse.  
Use a low foot rest and/or lumbar cushion for chairs that do not have all the adjustable features

Single Leg Standing Base For Running Drills

Starting Position Standing In Front Of Mirror.

  1. Standing.  Place your hands on your hips. Hold your hips firmly enough so you can detect if your pelvis moves during the exercise
  2. Go through your normal postural cues until you feel reasonably symmetrical and balanced. 
  3. Focus on keeping your pelvis as still as possible as you shift your weight to stand on one leg and lift the opposite leg up.  Knee bent and hip to 90 degrees flexion.
  4. Bring your foot straight back down again.  Repeat for the opposite leg.
  5. The focus of this exercise is maintaining a steady pelvis position as you move your hips.
  6. Build up to standing on one leg for ten seconds at a time
Kingston Beach Hobart Tasmania Back pain Pain Cramp Leg muscles Weak Exercise Carpal tunnel Headache Neck pain Back pain Hip pain Tennis elbow Golfers elbow Sore joints Tight legs Knee pain Cartilage damage Disc Sciatica Shoulder pain Rotator cuff Trapezius Massage Physio Physiotherapy Back treatment Chiropractor Osteopath Muscles Core strength Sacrum pain Jaw pain tmj

Self Treatment Shoulder 1 - "The Axilla Thriller"

You can do this either lying down on the floor or up against a wall
Place the ball or roller against the muscles at the rear part of your armpit area. 
Lean your body weight against the ball.  
Roll up and down 1 to 2 centimetres for one minute
Maintain pressure throughout the treatment.
It should feel like you are releasing a deep firm muscle but shouldn’t feel overly sensitive or  tender
Repeat the process in slightly different spots of the same area to find what works best for you.

Self Treatment Posterior Hip Capsule

Use Spikey Ball or Chunky Roller

The target area is deep to the back of your hip.  To find this you feel for the prominent bone on the side of your hip.   This is called the greater trochanter.   Slide your fingers back until they fall off the greater trochanter and into soft tissue.  This is where you will direct the pressure of the roller.

Sit on the roller.  Align one of the roller spikes with the target area described above.

You may need to wriggle around or  turn your knee in or out to get the best spot.  The pressure should feel like a deep massage.  It shouldn’t feel sensitive or like you are squishing your skin.

It usually takes a bit of practice at this before you are able to get a good sense of the best spot.

Once you feel you are on the right spot you roll 2cm forwards and back for 30 seconds to a minute.  Repeat on the other side.

Self Treatment Hip Flexor Release

·Front of pelvis/hip area

You can do this lying on the floor or you can use a raised surface like a wide couch arm rest
The target area is found as follows

Feel for the most prominent bone at the front of your pelvis.  It is line with the front of your hip and is at the same height level as approximately 2 to 3 centimetres below your naval. 
Press on to this bone then allow your fingers to  slip off the bone and into the soft tissue just on the inside aspect of the pelvis.
Direct the line of force towards the spine and  outwards toward the inside lip of the pelvis bone
It should feel a little awkward but not overly  tender or sensitive
It should not feel like you are treating into your groin.  That is too low.

•             Technique 1: Using roller or ball: Lie on top of the ball or roller.  Align one of the protruding bumps on the ball/roller with the target area

Use your body weight to roll up and down over the ball 1 to 2 centimetres whilst maintaining pressure throughout

Continue for one minute

Repeat slightly higher or lower as required

•             Technique 2:  Using ball or knobbler.  Lie on your back with your knees over some pillows in a relaxed comfortable position.  Place the knobbler or spikey ball over the target area.  Exert pressure downwards and outwards to massage the tissue 1 to 2 centimetres at a time.  Use a weight or kettle bell to add more downward pressure.  This will reduce how much work you have to do with your arm.

Self Treatment Hands 1

Self Treatment Hands 2

ABS Running Drills (Courtesy of Striding On series - an oldy but a goody)

Quick Daily Exercises To Maintain General Conditioning 

Click on the program name to view and download

Achilles tendon irritation. Some helpful exercises